New Patients can self schedule using the website, call or text for an appointment. Your new patient paperwork will be emailed to you and can be completed in the privacy of your own home. We suggest you complete your intake paperwork prior to arriving to your appointment. If you would like to add therapy to your initial visit you may choose to add one of the below plans to your visit. New patient exams are performed for every new patient and on patients who have not been seen in 3 years.
Re-Examinations will be performed every 2-4 weeks or when a new injury as occurred.
Examinations are crucial to properly diagnose the exact cause of your pain in order to treat it properly and to monitor the effectiveness of care.
New Patient Visit
Consulta gratis
Examen físico
Pruebas especiales o referencia de consulta
Tratamiento de 10 minutos.
Hecho periódicamente para controlar la atención.
Historial actualizado
Examen físico actualizado
Cambio en frecuencia o cuidado
Pruebas especiales o referencia de consulta
A pain level of 0-3 is best treated by the 10 minute visit.
A pain scale of 3-5 is best treated by the 20 minute visit.
A pain scale of 5-7 is best treated by the 30 minute visit.
A pain scale of 7-10 is best treated by the 45 minute visit.
10 Minute Visit
Problem focused history
Problem focused exam
Adjustment or dry needling
Home exercise progra
Preparatory soft tissue 2-5 minutes
20 Minute Visit
Problem focused history
Problem focused exam
Adjustment or dry needling
Home exercise program
Movement assessment
One unit of therapy
30 Minute Visit
Problem focused history
Problem focused exam
Adjustment or dry needling
Home exercise program
Movement assessment
Two units of therapy
45 Minute Visit
Problem focused history
Problem focused exam
Adjustment or dry needling
Home exercise program
Movement assessment
Three units of therapy
* La visita de 10 minutos está cubierta por Medicare para pacientes que han sufrido una lesión. Medicare no cubre exámenes, punción seca ni ninguna terapia.
* Una unidad de terapia es de 8-15 minutos. Las terapias que se ofrecen son liberación miofascial (ventosas, manipulación asistida por instrumentos de tejidos blandos), manipulación de extremidades, estimulación eléctrica / calor, punción seca, cinta de roca o cinta biomecánica, ejercicio terapéutico, actividades terapéuticas, terapia grupal, punción seca)
We also offer free consultations to evaluate if our clinic is the right place for you.
If we can't help you, we will send you to the proper specialist who can.
Free Consultations